Capresso 4440.01 10-cup Stainless Steel Vacuum Carafe with Lid for Capresso MT500 and MT500 Plus Coffee Maker Product Description:
- Handsome stainless-steel thermal vacuum carafe
- Carafe lid stays closed during brewing, keeping coffee hot
- Drip-free pouring spout, pour-position lid
- Fits Capresso MT-500 Digital Coffee Maker
- 10-cup capacity
Product Description
Attractive stainless and black vacuum carafe is designed for Brew-Through-The-Lid operation with Capresso MT-500 Digital Coffee Maker
Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
77 of 80 people found the following review helpful.Sleek Design. Great Coffee. A Keeper.
By J Frankel
Having been sorely disappointed with the Cuisinart Grind & Brew, I moved on to the Capresso MT500. I have not been disappointed.
Aside from being a superior coffee maker, the MT500 is a sleek, elegant appliance that looks great on any kitchen counter.
The keypad is simple and easy to use, and includes a digital clock for 24-hour programmability (a key must-have for me). The unit has a 3-5 cup small batch setting for fast and efficient brewing of smaller quantities (another must-have for me).
Perhaps most importantly, the unit brews very satisfactorily hot coffee, unlike the Grind & Brew, which I found luke warm (less than 170F). The thermal carafe does an excellent job of keeping unused coffee hot, particularly when you pre-heat it with hot water.
My only criticism would be that fill-level is inconveniently positioned and somewhat hard to read.
All in all, I'm very pleased with every aspect of the MT500.
51 of 54 people found the following review helpful.Tried it! Returned it!
By Ronald Epstein
I love coffee! Unfortunately, for most of my life,I have been drinking brew from the likes of Mr. Coffee.Their machines, and most others in theirprice range, provide adequate flavored coffee that isnever delivered hot out of the machine.The ULTIMATE QuestionIs there a PERFECT coffee machine in the $100-$200range and is such a machine possible?My needs were simple. I needed a maker that brewspiping hot coffee, does it quickly and effectively,and is easy to operate and clean.Based on recommendations I received from coffeedrinkers on many Internet discussion forums, Idecided to spend about $170 for the Capresso MT500.The machine is certainly beautiful, but not withoutdesign flaws, mainly the way your carafe must sitpinpointed beneath the filter cup to avoid overflow.I am not also very keen on the placement of the waterlevel meter. I have to pull the machine out from itsresting place and turn it just to see how much waterI have poured in.The included Gold-tone filter basket is coned shapedrather than round, which suits me fine as its deepnessallows more coffee capacity with less of a chance ofgrinds spilling into the brew.You really not need to even read the instructions tofigure out how to use the Capresso MT500 within minutesout of the box, though not doing so would mean it wasnot primed properly.Does this coffee maker produce piping hot coffee?Well, that depends....The first thing I was instructed to do after pluggingin the Capresso MT500 for the first time was to installthe charcoal filter and run 6 cups of water throughthe machine to activate. The water that came out intothe carafe was piping hot!The problem is, those of us that only make a few cupsof coffee in the morning (I use 3 cups of water), aregoing to be disappointed. The temperature of mycup of coffee was lukewarm. The instructions evensuggest that if you are going to make 3-4 cups ofcoffee that you should rinse the carafe with hotwater first.This is a major disappointment.On the other hand, I must say that the Capresso MT500produced the absolute best coffee I have ever had. Icould not believe the smoothness of the flavor. It'sthe same kind of coffee you would expect from a good restaurant.I'm not quite sure if the secret to the Capresso'sgreat tasting coffee is the way it brews or the factthat it has a charcoal filter that removes the impuritiesfrom the water. I suppose in the end it doesn't matter. Coffee tastes damn good!Though the Capresso MT500 comes with a single charcoalfilter, I would suggest stocking up on more. Amazon.comsells Capresso 4440.90 3-pack Charcoal Water Filters forabout $10.In ConclusionI'm not exactly a happy camper over the Capresso MT500for the simple fact that it can't produce piping hotcoffee for anything under approx. 6 cups. I am goingto go out on a limb and say that perhaps because of theshortened brewing time, there is probably no coffee makerin existence that can produce piping hot brew for a few.On the other hand the Capresso MT500 produces outstanding,flavorful, heavenly-smooth coffee that I have not beenable to bring to my home using something similar to Mr. Coffee.UPDATE: I returned the Capresso MT500 to the retailer.I just purchased a Technivorm KB-741 which isidentical in price to the Capresso, but rated at 125 wattsmakes VERY HOT coffee in small amounts. I am in heaven!
40 of 42 people found the following review helpful.You need to order the charcol filters too!
By John
It's not mentioned anywhere here but this unit requires charcoal filters that are replaced every couple of months. Only found this out after giving it as a gift to my parents. A web search only turned up a 2-3 sites that sold them so I don't think they're very common. I would recommend that you purchase a goodly supply with the coffee maker. Amazon sells them as "Capresso 4440.90 3-pack Charcoal Water Filters" in case you're trying to hunt them down.
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